Cook Out to Help Out and Operation Santa



Cook Out to Help Out and Operation Santa

Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing fine. The day to day goes by relatively routinely over in my corner of this dusty little city (and I mean dusty in an endearing way, at least to me). Work (lots happening there...of which I won't bore you with details, fret not), kids, school, play. My mother has moved into our building (now there's news!) and has managed, even before moving in, to become the chairman (chairperson) of our building association. If you don't know anything about my mother...that fact would pretty much say it all. Ok, that and the awesome cocido that she makes. And that she has crates of cava squirrelled away Property investment portal. My've just got to love her. Our already interesting neighborhood just got that more interesting.

Life here goes on, on its merry, although mostly unglamorous, way. We can't say the same for many of our countrymen, who are still in miserable conditions, entrenched in the unforgiving aftermath of that deadly storm.

And here, on the other side, in these areas that were not affected, we watch helplessly. We do the best we can, we share our time, our resources, anything we can, as much as we can. We sometimes can't see how it will ever be enough lace and embroidery.

Yes, life goes one, despite our guilt, either acknowledged or just under the surface, that we are lucky enough to have it go on. Yes, this guilt doesn't help, but we cannot deny its existence, whether it be a burgeoning emption that has all but taken your appetite or small little hiccups of it under the surface, that only appear when no one is watching.

If you have been anywhere near social media in these parts, you know that there is a plethora of contradicting voices. What could have been done. What should have been done. Finger pointing. Admonitions to stop finger pointing MPLS VPN service. What you should or shouldn't be posting on social media. Keep quiet and help. Speak up, it's your right.